"And he said to them,
Go ye into all the world,
and preach the gospel to every creature."
-Mark 16:15
I have never felt the urgency of the gospel before.
I have lost family members and friends,
but they were both walking with the Lord when they passed away.
A greater sense of peace was over me when that happened,
cause in my mind thats the way its supposed to be.
But it doesn't always work out that way.
Back in Durango I have an AMAZING bank.
Usually people laugh when I say that,
cause they are like, "Its just a bank".
But my bank is not just a bank.
They know everyone by name,
by like day two of banking there.
And every year, for the last five years,
they have sang happy birthday to me on my birthday.
Its the little things in life.
One year one of the tellers got me a beautiful necklace for my birthday.
And multiple times they came and visited me at work :)
Every time I go in there I always have to put extra money in the meter because there has been multiple times that because of chatting with the wonderful tellers
and sharing stories i have come out to find a lovely present on my car, a parking ticket :(
I brag about my bank at work, to my friends, everywhere I am.
And since doing all my fundraiser stuff for YWAM before I left I was in there every two days or so sharing how close I was getting and what I was doing.
So this past weekend my heart broke.
Literally in two.
I heard that their was a plane crash outside Silverton,
and that it was caring alpine bank workers.
For some reason the first person I asked about was Tyler,
one of Jesse and I buddies.
But at that point in time names had not yet been released.
Yesterday Jesse called and told me all the names of everyone
on the plane and my heart broke, again.
Tears started to stream down my cheeks as he went through each one.
I couldn't get my head around why my heart ached so much more
that I had truly felt before.
As I cried and processed yesterday a thought comes to my mind,
you don't know their eternities.
You spent five years with some of these banking friends and you don't know their eternities.
Multiple times they listened to stories of what God was doing in my life.
But never, not once did I ask what he was doing in theirs.
Or if they knew him and knew of his love.
I always thought that actions speak louder than words and so through my actions they would see Jesus.
But actions don't tell people how to except Jesus as your Lord and Savior.
People may be drawn to you because of your actions
but if they don't know that their really attraction is to Jesus and Gods character
because God made them that way
then they miss out.
On this wonderful relationship with the God that created us.
They miss out on falling in love with your creator.
All because my actions may speak louder than words
but my actions never speak in the place of words.
The good news needs to be shared.
Three friends passed away this past weekend
and I hope that someone was more obedient
that i was
and at some point in time took time to shared the gospel
and salvation only possible through Christ.
As my heart continuously breaks,
i cant help but be reminded that Jesus's heart hurts so much more
than my heart can even imagine.
As my heart continuously breaks,
i cant help but be reminded that Jesus's heart hurts so much more
than my heart can even imagine.
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