Saturday, January 21, 2012

Created To Be His Help Meet

This past week I started reading the book,
Created To Be His Help Meet by Debi Pearls.
I have had this book for almost a year now,
But honestly it has been hard to pick up.
Call it what you want, pride, rebellion, or unbelief.
But after being raised in a society where women have to be educated, have equal rights, and you don’t need a man, we can do it ourself society,
it was hard for me to wrap my mind around the title,
 “Created to be His Help Meet”.
A few times I have tried to pick it up
but each time my pride glasses go on
and I think this book is sooooo outdated.
But there is something about the statistic
that says that ½ marriages in America end in divorce
and if you’re a Christian then the statistic is that 
½ marriages end in a divorce.
Ick. Why? What changed in society?
So here I am picking up this book once more.
And goodness have my eyes been opened!
So it starts off talking about God’s plan for a heavenly marriage
And how he created Adam first and then created him a Help meet.

“And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him. . . And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam. . . and he took one of his ribs. . .And the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto to man.” (Genesis 2:18,21-22)

This word Help meet, to me it just sounds ole’ fashioned.
But laying my pride down, I knew that their had to be a better way to have a marriage then what I personally had been exposed to in my 23 years of life. I have heard from different people that it was good for a few years and then its just life, to me that sounds terrible why marry if its just going to “be life”. I want a glorious marriage filled with love, laughter, and all “that” other stuff that comes along with being married  :) But I knew there had to be a way to have a different marriage
than the ones I’ve seen around me. 
Not that they are all bad
but I figure I only get one shot at this life here on earth
and one shot at marriage
so why not do it Gods way,
he has been around a time or two
and probably knows a bit more than I do!

So here I am learning some tuff stuff
and refocusing my eyes and my habits
to reflect more how God would have me live
and less how I think I deserve to live.
And so far for some reason when I stinking do it Gods way
I end up with crazy abundances of joy in my day
and in my relationships!
So maybe there is something to this
“Created To Be His Help Meet” book
that is so intertwined in His word,
yet is super simple and only requires minor adjustments.

WARNING: I MAY OFFEND YOU AND WHAT YOU, AS A WOMEN, “THINK” YOU HAVE A RIGHT TO. *But if you lay down your offensiveness as I did and take this for what it is your life might just be radically changed for the better. And your marriage might be too!
As well as your days. They are truly filled with more joy. 
Because hey, you are doing what you were made to do!!

“Man was created for God and women was created for man.”

If your are like me in anyway
I had a hard time swallowing this.
I just couldn’t get it into my head
without first getting a bit defensive
and being like BUT what about all they teach in school
about women’s right and men and women were created equal
and all that shenanigans??
But then a thought came into my mind
why is it that there are more people today
than ever before in history are staying single
and why does it out weighs the ones getting married??
Aren’t we as humans designed for relationships?
Don’t we get the most fulfillment in life
when we are loving others and being loved?
Serving others and  spending time with those we love?
And why has that drastically changed in the last 50 years?
What changed to make this slide in society.
As I sat and thought about these things I couldn’t help but wonder if society is now pushing divorce down our throats a bit and calling marriage a bit “ole’ fashioned”. Saying divorce is “normal” and if anything, quite expected, of at least fifty percent of those that do choose to marry. I don’t know about you but this is shocking to me.
Christian or not the statistic is the same. So what’s is the deal?
What has changed? And how do my eyes need to be refocused to look more like Christ eyes?

So here is where my treasure hunt began,
One week ago I started this search
for some God based answers.
Uncomfortable? Yes.
Worth it? Absolutely.
So a bit of a recap on what I have learned so far. . .
  •   When you honor your husband, you honor God. When you obey your husband you obey God. The degree to which you reverence your husband is the degree to which you reverence your Creator.  As we serve our husbands, we serve God. But in the same way, when you dishonor your husband you dishonor God.
  •         It's not a question of whether or not you can do a better job than he; it’s a matter of doing what you were “designed” to do.
  •    A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a persons strength. Proverbs 17:22 NLT
  •    God stands with you when you stand by your man, but you will stand alone if you insist on standing by your rights.  He was not created for you but you for him.
  •        A wise women sets a joyful mood in her home. Through laughter, music, and happy times, she creates a positive attitude in her children.
  •    Discontentment is not a product of circumstances; it is the state of the soul.

Challenge: Courtesy of Debi Pearls the author. Test it out this week and see if maybe, just maybe God’s word knows a thing or two about marriage. . .

 Thanksgiving produces joy.
Open your mouth and begin to thank God 
for his grace towards you.
Thank him for every good thing 
he has brought into your life. 
Thank him, thank him, and thank him again. 
Joy is the result of a thankful heart.
 A thankful heart is the result of a person who decides to give thanks.


  1. Thank you for being so bold to share on such a controversial issue. Blessings to you my sweet sweet sister!!!

  2. Amen to Chelsea's comment. This topic choses to arise quite often now and for me there is so much conflict. Thank you my friend. I know God used this to minister to me. I love you! Praying for you!

  3. Margaret Mondragon
    It blessed my heart to read this. You will be so blessed as you enter your commitment with a servants heart.
    Another must read on this subject "The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands" by Dr Laura Sclessinger. My daughter lent me her copy it is on a males perspective. The title sounds corny but WOW! It is a awesome book.
    Love you, miss you, You are in our hearts.
