Sunday, November 20, 2011

Trying To Close The Gap. . .

"Sell your possessions and give to the poor"-Luke 12:33

"How else can I walk out of a mud shack
 and back into my two-thousand-square-foot house
 without doing anything?
 The concept of downsizing 
so that others might upgrade is biblical, beautiful. . . 
and nearly unheard of. 
We either close the gap 
or don't take the words of the Bible literally."
-Crazy Love

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Just Some Thoughts and Stories :)

Currently in sitting in week six going into week seven of my discipleship training school.
It so awesome to have this opportunity to learn more about the God i serve and to be able to walk through things and understand why I am the way I am. Lately I have been reading Katie Davis blog and I am completely inspired to live life like God has called her to. Her obedience is inspiring and it makes me giddy thinking of all that God has in store for Jesse and I in these next few years!! So here are a couple of amazing stories that God allowed me to be part of. . .

Ipod Touch:

Last weekend i was going down to the beach for a little process time and reading time. I just finished A Whole In Our Gospel, if you haven't read it i highly recommend it. Anyway so as I'm walking back up i have to cross Alii Drive, which is one of the busier streets here so as I see a break in traffic I bolt it across with Carly. We continue on our journey back up and as we get closer to school i start ranting on about how my mom bought me and ipod touch and i never really liked it until i got here and how i love how good of pictures it takes, then all of a sudden i get this thought that i don't have my ipod. So i reach in my purse and start digging around and realize its gone. So i start hustling back down toward the beach and start praying allowed, "Jesus, please show me where my ipod is, I'm sorry i like it so much, if its in the road please protect it, I surrender it to you if you want it." By this time wherever my ipod is it has been there for at least 15 minutes. So as i get back down to Alii drive, which is still busy with cars i see my ipod within inches of where cars are driving. So i wait for a break in the traffic and run out to get it, thank you Jesus NOTHING was wrong with it!! It just sat for almost twenty minutes in the middle of a busy road inches away from the tire tracks of cars!!! WOW!! 

One Dollar:

Sunday night i was exhausted and was getting ready for bed and like seven o'clock, I was laying in bed reading Job and really trying to focus. My thoughts keep reverting back to this guy Mina in our DTS who was in the hospital the night before. I kept feeling like i was suppose to do something for him. So then I'm thinking what do you want me to do God. I felt like he was saying give him something of yours, so i looked around the room and i was like what should i give him? All i have are girl things. So i start looking around my room. Just then i thought what about a dollar for a coke but i then thought i don't have a dollar. Weeks ago God told Mina to give away all of his spending money and right after he did that, someone gave him ALL of HIS OUTREACH money and said God told them to give it :) talk about obedience!! So anyway that day he told this story i felt like i was suppose to give him a dollar for a coke. Because in his story he said, "now i have no money, for a coke or something." Side note Mina is from Egypt so you got to add in a bit of an accent with that. So anyway here i am laying on my top bunk bed and feeling like I'm suppose to give Mina a dollar that i don't actually have!! So i get this feeling like I'm suppose to get out of bed and go look for this dollar. So i turn and hop down from my top bunk and there sitting between my feet as i land is a folded up dollar bill, JUST ONE!!! And just so you are aware we had just cleaned and vacuumed our room and NOTHING was on the floor when i got into bed. So God called me to do the possible, GET OUT AND LOOK and He did the impossible, GAVE ME A DOLLAR FOR A COKE. 

Moral of the stories is that you have to be willing to jump into an empty pool and trust that God is going to fill it with water. HE can't fill it if you aren't willing to jump!! So am I ready to be used by God today?? I hope so.